Always something to do near the Road

Before the summer is too far in the rear view mirror, I thought I would share some of our favourite local activities. A section of the Bruce Trail looks over our place, and the 2.5 hour hike is a bountiful mix of field and forest, and up and down elevation changes. Another nearby section of the Bruce, the Old Baldy trail, ends up with a spectacular high escarpment view over the Beaver Valley. My fear of heights lets me admire it from 20 feet back as you can see in this shot:

OldBaldyAs with so many others these days, we love kayaking. Granted, we don’t work up the kind of sweat that Digital Ed classmate Darryl Robinson-Keys does; we begin high up the Beaver River, paddle with the stream for an hour, stop for a cold beer and a swim, then meander for another hour or so back to the car.


We’re exhausted, better give us a tow!


Never mind, I think we can do it.

And for those who prefer a little higher end mountain culture, we are fortunate to have Blue Mountain Village close by. Modeled after Whistler and Mont Tremblant, the Village has fine restaurants, martini bars, pubs, ski shops, mountain biking- you name it, they have it. Of course much too big cityish for me, but fun to wander over once in awhile.


Believe it or not, we have a couple wineries as well, but will save that adventure for the next post. Finally though, I will comment on one leisure activity I would be happy to do without – hunting season. I was raking on the weekend, and instinctively ducked when I heard the first gunshot. Not sure where exactly it came from, but it was followed by several more. Can’t say I will ever understand the attraction of killing animals for perceived sport, and I would definitely prefer not to have to wear orange while walking the Road or in the woods!

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